Thursday, February 26, 2009

Give Raghu Ram the THIRD DEGREE !!!

The big mouthed, sarcastic bad boy of Television road shows, Raghu Ram is coming to your city on …. He is one dude who always has a personal take on everything and everyone under the sun. His questions and one liners are straight off the cuff…and boy oh boy do they pierce? You bet! He is known to make folks cry with his cider soaked remarks and retorts. His lingo is the best form of third degree verbose…that sometimes leaves one… oh so red in the face. Cool and calculative, suave and calm at times, yet fiery at others. His trade-mark stare and expressionless mask of a face leaves one very, very unnerved.

Well its pay back time and Kindle, your infomantra magazine is giving you the opportunity to rock Raghu’s boat with a volley of your very own best and sourest, poison tipped ones…questions that is! All aimed at Raghu. Because he is your only target when Kindle brings him to town….So go to town and register for the Kindle Raghu Ram Fiesta! There are a host of great prizes to be won and loads of fun… thumping DJ and live band music, food and game stalls. Don’t miss this for anything in the world.